
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Video Sitemaps ► Learn Video Sitemaps With Google: How-to Create Sitemaps For Google Video SEO

Video Sitemaps for Google Video SEO - Learn how to create XML video sitemaps for Google ?

This is a recording of a free webinar put on by with Google. We had Google teaching attendees how to create, and submit a video sitemap for video SEO. Both Nelson Lee (the guy in charge of Video sitemaps at Google Videos) and Amy MacIsaac from Google as our featured speakers and we addressed best practices and tips on how to create a XML video sitemap for Google. When you create a video sitemap and submit it to Google, you will have the ability for your video content to be indexed within Google Videos' index. Once you have your video indexed in Google Videos search index, you're video will be eligible for inclusion into Google's other search products, including: Google web search, Google Universal Search, and other search products whereby they serve video results (think TV.)

So, while this is a long video, you can actually skip directly to the Video Sitemaps topics of interest:
Mark Robertson - Video Sitemaps and Google Video Overview - 04:58
Amy MacIsaac - Video Sitemap Required Elements - 11:10
Nelson Lee - Best Practices for Video Sitemaps - 15:01
Video Sitemap Q&A - 23:56

You can learn more about video sitemaps and about this webinar here:
Webinar -
SEO Guide for Video -
News about Sitemaps -

Each day, Google connects millions of users to all types of videos - from 30-second clips to full-length TV episodes.

They do this using their video index, which essentially holds all of Google's knowledge about videos on the web.

When a user conducts a search, the video results that appear are pulled from Google's index, so that users can discover video content that matches their search query.

This index is updated as Google discovers new videos.

Although their knowledge is extensive, not all videos have been indexed by Google yet. Videos must be in Google's index in order to show up properly in search results.

So, how can you make your videos eligible for inclusion into Google Universal Search?

By creating and submitting an XML video sitemap to Google. The best way for publishers to help Google index their video content Create a Video Sitemap or mRSS feed.

Video Sitemaps provide Google with essential information about a publisher's videos, including the URLs for the pages where the videos can be found, the titles of the videos, thumbnail images, and other optional information such as duration, or expiration date. Video Sitemaps:

Improve discoverability, improving crawling and indexing chances.

View the original article here

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