
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SEO Content Writing

SEO Content Writing

What if you could have visitors... ready-to-buy visitors, flock to your site, to your landing page and to your video? (Like you just did with mine?)

What if they went to your webpage or watched your video, and they were compelled to take action? And in most cases, that meant to "buy?"

As a client of mine recently said: "SEO content writing today remind me of the auditions on American Idol. The contestants all THINK they can sing..." LOL So true. Don't you agree?

My guess is you've probably used SEO content writing professionals before. And more times than not, they've left you wanting more. Or they've flaked on you entirely. Or bailed under the pressure.

Candidly, that just makes everyone in the SEO copywriting services profession just plain look bad. Collectively, we have egg on our face.

Granted some ARE good at the SEO element. But they leave much to be desired when it comes to writing truly compelling copy. (Or even writing at all.) ;)

Others in the SEO content writing profession are competent at copywriting, but trying to structure their copy so that the search engines love their writing and rank it favorably, remains a complete mystery to them. These professionals often resent "writing for the search engines." They're being elitist. And missing the big picture.

I'm lucky. I've been apprenticed with the best search engine optimization specialists in the world. These are people who work online day in and day out in some of the most competitive markets in business. The work they do would make one's eyeballs bleed from all the time spent staring endlessly at computers.

They're involved in ultra-competitive markets such as the gaming industry (casinos), the pharmaceutical industry and insurance. Markets where the SEO copywriting services advantage, even by just a one ranking improvement, can represent millions of clicks and dollars. That's where I "earned my spurs."

As SEO copywriting services provider, I was first trained exhaustively in SEO, and then they let me loose or projects with my already strong copywriting talents.

The result? Well, let's just say when it comes to SEO copywriting services, I can more than hold my own AGAINST ANYBODY. And I say that, not to brag, but with all modesty. (Trust me, no one wants to go up against me in a SEO copywriting cage match.)

I judge my SEO content writing by just two criteria: How high in the search engines we climb and how much money did my Clients make. (Yes, I keep tally.)

SEO copywriting just seems completely natural to me. In fact, my associates tell me I'm "a natural." That I have "the gift."

As you may already know, the search engines, especially Google, are constantly of updating their search engine optimization algorithms. They go through their rather confusing dances regularly.

One day, you're ecstatic you're on page one. The next day? You've vanished! Nowhere to be found.

If that's ever happened to you, you've unknowingly been the victim of less than competent SEO copywriting services rendered. It's sad when I see that happen because I know someone's probably spent some major money on SEO copywriting services, and they've been unnecessarily chastized/spanked (they used to call it another word) by the search engines.

The trick to understanding Google *IS* understanding Google. Anyone you who tells you "it's all about quality content," or "it's all about keyword density," only has a tiny piece to the puzzle. They're misinformed or deluded.

The same thing applies to copywriting. You can be ranking high in the search engines, having lots of visitors on your website, but if visitors and clicks are not converting -- you're leaving major money on the table. Or worse, as a SEO copywriting services buyer, you're wasting money.

Let me wrap this up...

Now, what kind of self-respecting SEO content writing provider end without "a compelling call-to-action?" So here's mine:

Go to right now. Check it out. I promise you'll find I more than have my act together. You won't waste your time on mindless, so-called "spider food." Plus, you can see the kinds of things Clients (and even competitors) say about me and my services.

When/If we end up talking, I'll be very generous with what I share with you. You'll learn stuff. You'll be the big beneficiary, not me. But I'll get to look forward to our conversation as the start of a long, mutually rewarding relationship.


SEO Content Writing

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