
Monday, October 14, 2013

Good Doctor Korean Drama Ep 20 [Eng Sub] 굿 닥터 Yoon Seo freaks, Shi On wimps out

Good Doctor Korean Drama Episode 19 [Eng Sub] ? ??
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In this scene from Episode 20: Yoon Seo catches some junior staffers making fun of her and shi on and she gets in their faces (good for her!), while Shi On cowers in the stairwell.

Good Doctor (? ??) Starring Joo Won and Moon Chae Won

As a child, Park Shi On (Joo Won) was sent to a specialized care center, where he discovered genius capacities for his autism. Coupled with an exceptional memory and keen spatial skills, the young savant eventually entered pediatric residency, where he developed into a promising surgeon. However, his mental and emotional development seems to have stopped at 10-years-old, which makes for incredible conflicts in and out of the O.R., especially with the hotheaded surgeon Kim Do Han (Joo Sang Wook). Despite warm hearted and fair colleagues like Cha Yoon Seo (Moon Chae Won) and Han Jin Wook (Kim Young Kwang), it's a fierce and competitive adult world. One cannot simply tell Shi On to "grow up."

good doctor korean drama,good doctor korean drama 9,ep 19,? ??,DramaFever (Website),Medical Drama (TV Genre),Kim Min Seo,good doctor,episode 19,Subtitles,english subtitles,k drama,joo won,eng sub,moon chae won,Joo Sang Wook,Korean Drama (TV Genre),/df/QCv45L,/df/WA2Tsu,/df/yL6SZT

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